To start the Metasploit Framework, type msfconsole in the terminal of choice. Usually for pentesters specific distros like Parrot or Kali this comes preinstalled. Upon launching, it will have a coined slashed art and the command line prompt, waiting for our command.

The old way to update msfconsole was through a package called msfupdate, but now, the apt package manager can handle the update of modules and features. If using Ubuntu, its better to use snap for more latest releases and updates.

Installed MSF

workstation@htb[/htb]$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install metasploit-framework
Preparing to unpack .../metasploit-framework_6.0.2-0parrot1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking metasploit-framework (6.0.2-0parrot1) over (5.0.88-0kali1) ...
Setting up metasploit-framework (6.0.2-0parrot1) ...
workstation@htb[/htb]$ sudo snap install metasploit-framework
<TIME> INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
metasploit-framework v6.4.27-dev installed

Engagement Structure

The structure is divided into 5 main categories:

  • Enumeration: Passive scanning, Active scanning, Vulnerability research
  • Preparation: code auditing, dependency checks, import modules
  • Exploitation: run module locally, set parameters, exploit
  • Privilege Escalation: research, cred gathering, token impersonation
  • Post-Exploitation: data exfil, pivoting other systems, cleanup